12 mei, 2005

Freaking headset

I'm trying to find a Skype USB headset that sells for aprox. 30,- euro's incl VAT. That's not easy. Most of the stuff has a 3,5 mm jack and lacks compatibility. Since son and daughter are deeply in love with partners in other cities, my phonebill is skyrocketing. We could switch to Scarlet, but the Internet is better.

6 opmerkingen:

Anoniem zei

is het zo erg die telefoon rekening dan??

Gr Robbin

Keine Stijl zei

Yeah, like Karmen is online 24/7...

Tune u up zei

What do you mean with that?

Tune u up zei

Besides, you do not call me at all :P. So your dad's phonebill cannot be 'skyrocketing' because of you calling me (which you don't) :P

Keine Stijl zei

True, but you don't call me either.

Tune u up zei
